Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski, Gospodin Iliev
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: 2009, Volume 15, book 2
Subject Collection: Medicine
Page: 36 - 40
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.1522009_36
Online date: June 30, 2009,
Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) and periodontal status in children with diseases and conditions influencing the oral environment
Maya Rashkova*, M. Baleva**, Toneva N.*, Jegova G.*
*Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine,
** Department of allergology, Laboratory of clinical immunology,
Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria
The secretory IgA-antibodies play an important role in the oral homeostasis. They are an indicator of the adaptive immunity in the mouth and influence the oral pathology by interaction on the oral microorganisms. It is the purpose of the present study to evaluate SIgA and the connection of those antibodies with the periodontal status of children with different diseases and conditions influencing their oral medium. The study was done with 116 children with diabetes, asthma, orthodontic treatment and healty controls. The following methods were used: (1) ELISA with "Salivary secretory IgA kit" of Salimetrics LLC-USA was used to determine quantitatively the SIgA in the saliva; (2) evaluation of the oral risk medium and periodontal status (PSR, PBI, OHI) of the children studied. The results show that plaque-induced gingivitis is observed in 50% of the children with diabetes and 30% of the children with orthodontic treatment. The gingivitis of healthy children and children with asthma is considerably lower (10%). The gingival diseases observed vary. The indexes used, (Papilla Bleeding Index(PBI) and Periodontal Screening and Recording Index (PSR), confirm the extent of inflammation of children studied and also confirm the clinical diagnosis made. SIgA of children with gingivitis does not differ statistically from the SIgA of children without gingivitis. This is a confirmation of the opinion of the weak influence of the secretory immunity on the periodontal health.
Key words: secretory IgA-antibodies, oral homeostasis, diabetes, asthma, orthodontic treatment, periodontal status, gingival diseases, Papilla Bleeding Index(PBI), Periodontal Screening and Recording Index (PSR) .
Page: 36-40; FULL TEXT PDF (238 KB)
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