Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski, Gospodin Iliev
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: Volume 15, book 1, 2009
Subject Collection: Medicine
Page: 69 - 71
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.1512009_69
Online date: Sept. 01, 2009,
M. Veltchev1, Manol A. Kalniev2, Todor A. Todorov3
1) Fellow, Master’s Program in Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Surgery, Henri
Bismuth Hepatobiliary Institute, 12-14, avenue Paul Vaillant-Couturier,
94804 Villejuif Cedex; 2) Department of Anatomy, Cytology and
Histology, University of Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria; 3) Department
of Pathology, University of Medicine, Sofia, Bulgaria.
ABSTRACT: A 28-year-old male presented at a regional hospital with a pulling sensation and feeling of unusual heaviness in the right scrotum. Pain and discomfort appeared two weeks ago.
The patient had no previous medical history.
Physical examination, US and CT confirmed 26 mm mass, localized centrally in the right testis without metastatic process and patient was treated with right inguinal orchiectomy, followed by 25 Gy radiotherapy. After 16 years and 3 months the same symptomatology started in the left side and US discovered two masses: 15 and 21 mm in left testis. Investigation included tumor marker assessment, scrotal US, CT and biopsy. Diagnosis metachronous testicular seminoma, stage T1N1M0.
Biopsy, radical orchiectomy, androgen substitution and follow-up were performed.
Key words: seminoma, bilateral, metachronous, germ-cell tumor.
Page: 69-71; FULL TEXT PDF (254 KB)
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