back to 2005, vol. 11, b. 1
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski, Gospodin Iliev
ISSN: 1312 773X (Online)
Issue: 2005, vol. 11, book 1
Subject Collection: Medicine
Page: 11-12
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2005111.11
Online date: October 19, 2005

J of IMAB 2005; 11(1):11-12
Galya I. Gancheva, Penka Ilieva, Maria Atanasova, Chrisima Tzvetanova, Iskra Simova
Department of Infectious Diseases, Epidemiology, Parasitology and Tropical Medicine
Medical University, Pleven, Bulgaria

Comparatively have been studied laboratory parameters in severe cases of leptospirosis divided in two groups - with and without hemodiaperfusion (HD). The dynamical investigations of blood urea nitrogen (BUN), serum creatinine, and serum bilirubin levels reveal that hemodiaperfusion markedly decreases the levels of nitrogen parameters and is non effective for serum bilirubin. Hemodiaperfusion in oliguric phase of the acute renal failure of leptospirosis prevents brain edema and lung edema - significant tanatogenic factors.

Key words: hemodiaperfusion, leptospirosis, acute renal failure, blood urea nitrogen, serum creatinine, serum bilirubin..

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Please cite this article as: Gancheva G, Ilieva P, Atanasova M, Tzvetanova Chr, Simova I. HEMODIAPERFUSION IN LEPTOSPIROSIS. J of IMAB 2005 11(1):11-12; DOI:10.5272/jimab.2005111.11

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