head JofIMAB
Journal of IMAB
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing Ltd.
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: 2024, vol. 30, issue3
Subject Area: Public health
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2024303.5631
Published online: 10 July 2024

Original article
J of IMAB. 2024 Jul-Sep;30(3):5631-5635
Stanislava PavlovaORCID logoCorresponding Autoremail,
Department of Speech therapy and medical pedagogics, Faculty of Public health, Medical University - Varna, Bulgaria.

Purpose: To study and analyze the behavior of nurses after aggression by patients or their relatives.
Material/Methods: The opinion of nurses working in therapeutic, surgical and intensive care units was studied (n=128). Questionnaires were used to assess the type of aggression displayed by the patient and the nurses' behavior. Documentary, sociological and statistical methods were used.
 Results: Verbal aggression by patients or their relatives occurs more often than physical aggression. Nurses indicate that they accept the patient's aggression as part of the nature of work, not paying attention to the patient's aggression (62.5%). The strategies applied by nurses after being the object of aggression were mainly sharing with family members, using food products, smoking, keeping silent/not discussing the event. The emotional feelings that aggression in the workplace causes are apathy, irritation/anger, and desire to leave as a reaction to aggressive behaviour. A relationship was established between the support received from the team and job satisfaction.
Conclusion: Workplace aggression has a negative impact on the quality of professional activity and professional satisfaction. It is a negative factor in providing health care. It is a precondition for making mistakes.

Keywords: stress, patients, nurse, hospital, workplace aggression,

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Please cite this article as: Pavlova S. Aggression as a risk factor in health care. J of IMAB. 2024 Jul-Sep;30(3):5631-5635. [Crossref - 10.5272/jimab.2024303.5631]

Corresponding AutorCorrespondence to: Stanislava Pavlova, Department of Speech therapy and medical pedagogics, Faculty of Public health, Medical University – Varna; 55, Marin Drinov Str., Varna, Bulgaria; E-mail: stpavlova@abv.bg

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Received: 07 March 2024
Published online: 10 July 2024

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