head JofIMAB
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing Ltd.
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: 2021, vol. 27, issue3
Subject Area: Medicine
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2021273.3905
Published online: 31 August 2021

Original article

J of IMAB. 2021 Jul-Sep;27(3):3905-3910
Galya StankovaORCID logo Corresponding Autoremail, Nevena TzachevaORCID logo, Lidiya HristovaORCID logo,
Department of Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria.

Introduction: The EU strategy “Europe 2020” sets up the instruments and targets for better educational levels and training as social dialogue, awareness-levels raising, law enforcement in the field of EU and national legislation. There are efficient resource interactions with other policy areas such as public health and education. EU funds, such as the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Program for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), will support the application of rules relating to health and safety at work.
Purpose of this study is analysis and evaluation of the employees, knowledge about health and safety at the workplace and how effective were the conducted OHS training.
Tasks: Defining the level of awareness of workers for possibilities of health damage at work. Measuring the level of OSH training support for the implementation of preventive approaches to health protection in the workflow. Studying the preliminary psychological attitude towards OHS training both for employers and employees.
Method: Survey through a questionnaire held among workers and employees in several branches of the private sector.
Results: The study provides summarized information on several subjects: workers’ knowledge about dangerous hazards in their own working environment; adherence of the safety at work rules; proper use of personal protective equipment and specific work protective equipment; types of training, outreach and education the employees have undergone; levels of basic knowledge of the law and regulations related to OHS; most common methods of OHS training and education and their interpretation for safety and health at work.
Conclusions: Most workers are well aware of the health risks at their workplaces. All of them have passed at least one educational course related to OHS. More than 2/3 of the respondents have participated in several types of training. Workers have a basic knowledge of Bulgarian employment law, but it’s incomplete and can be extended to a better degree. The most common reason for participating in Health and Safety at work training is obligatory both by law or higher management of the company. There is a high need to supplement the OHS legislation.

Keywords: OHS training employees knowledge level; Health & Safety courses,

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Please cite this article as: Stankova G, Tzacheva N, Hristova L. Occupational Health and Safety Training – a Snapshot of Employees’ Level of Knowledge. J of IMAB. 2021 Jul-Sep;27(3):3905-3910. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2021273.3905

Corresponding AutorCorrespondence to: Galya Stankova, Department of Occupational Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University – Sofia; 8, Byalo more Str., 4th floor, 48, Sofia, Bulgaria; E-mail: galstm@abv.bg

1. EUROPE 2020. A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. EC. 2020 [Internet]
2. European Social Fund (ESF+). EC. 2020 [Internet]
3. EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). EC. 2020 [Internet]
4. Ordinance No. RD 07-2 / 16. 12. 2009 on the terms and conditions for conducting periodic training and instruction of employees on the rules for ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, issued by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, prom. 01.01.2010 [in Bulgarian]
5. Ordinance No.4/3.11.1998 for the training of the representatives in the WCC and WCG, issued by the Minister of Labor and Social Policy and the Minister of Health, prom. November 11, 1998 [in Bulgarian]
6. Safe and Healthy Working Conditions Act, prom.23 December 1997 [in Bulgarian]
7. Ordinance No.3 of 28.02.1987 on the obligatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations of workers, issued by the Minister of Public Health, prom. February 27, 1987 [in Bulgarian]
8. Tzacheva N. [Occupational Medicine in the Republic of Bulgaria: Theory, Methodology, Practice.] [Dissertation] [in Bulgarian] Medical University - Sofia. 2014 [Internet].

Received: 26 March 2021
Published online: 31 August 2021

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