Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing
1312-773X (Online)
2018, vol. 24, issue4
Subject Area:
Published online: 22 November 2018
Original article
J of IMAB. 2018 Oct-Dec;24(4):2241-2244
Natalia Shtereva-Nikolova1 , Radka Goranova-Spasova1, Emilia Naseva2, Neli Gradinarova1, Magdalena Aleksandrova1,
1) Department of Medical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University- Sofia, Bulgaria
2) Department of Economy of Healthcare, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Healthcare professionals are expected to be committed to the profession and patients, competent, high-performing and always healthy. But being a physician and a healthcare specialist is also a great challenge.
The purpose of this article is to investigate physicians’ and healthcare specialists’ behavior towards their own health.
Methodology - a direct and anonymous survey was carried out with a specially designed questionnaire. The medical and social significance of physicians’ and healthcare specialists’ behaviour had been investigated. The study was conducted in June / July 2018 among 109 workers (46 physicians and 63 healthcare professionals).
Results and Discussion - 31.2% of respondents said they attended at least once their general practitioner and 27.5% - not at all for the last year. 51.4% reported that they had been sick with differences between healthcare specialists and physicians. We found out that only 21.1% had a sickness absence and there was no statistically significant gender difference. From the analysis of the outcomes, we observed that 15.2% of physicians confirm the sick leave due to illness, and about a quarter of the healthcare specialists answered similarly.
Conclusion: From the study of the problem, we founded that healthcare workers ignore their physical, emotional and social condition. It is important to encourage them to take time to rest, to cure their illnesses and, last but not least, to be an example for other employees and patients.
Keywords: health behaviour, physicians, healthcare specialists, own health,
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Please cite this article as: Shtereva-Nikolova N, Goranova-Spasova R, Naseva E, Gradinarova N, Aleksandrova M. Physicians’ and Healthcare Specialists’ Behavior Towards Their Own Health. J of IMAB. 2018 Oct-Dec;24(4):2241-2244. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2018244.2241
Correspondence to: Assoc. Prof. Dr Natalia Shtereva-Nikolova, DDS, PhD; Department of Medical Ethics and Law, Faculty of Public Health, Medical University – Sofia; 8, Bialo more Str., Fl. 5., Sofia 1527, Bulgaria; E-mail:
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Received: 18 September 2018
Published online: 22 November 2018
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