head JofIMAB
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: 2018, vol. 24, issue2
Subject Area: Medicine
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2018242.1985
Published online: 18 April 2018

Original article

J of IMAB. 2018 Apr-Jun;24(2):1985-1987
Darina N. HristovaORCID logo Corresponding Autoremail, Gabriela S. TsankovaORCID logo, Neli M. ErmenlievaORCID logo, Tatina T. TodorovaORCID logo,
Department of Preclinical and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University - Varna, Bulgaria.

Introduction:Pregnancy and lactation are physiological conditions, which put the female organism into a serious ordeal. The satisfaction of the nutritive needs during maternity plays a significant role in the favorable end of pregnancy and for the health of both mother and infant. A significant number of studies prove the importance of the essential fatty acids for mother’s and baby’s health. During this period the needs of fats do not exceed, but the requirements to them increase.
Aim: To study the nutritive intake of omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FA) in pregnant women in Varna, Bulgaria and to determine if there is a risk for nutritive deficiency.
Materials and methods: A questionnaire (Food Frequency Questionnaire) about the consumption of foods – sources of n-3 FA was distributed among 350 pregnant and nursing women in Varna, Bulgaria.
Results and discussion: Less than 40% of the responders regularly consume foods, sources of polyunsaturated fatty acid: fish, walnuts, linseeds, etc. Only 9,3% of the young mothers take dietary supplements with n-3 FA.
Conclusion: A low nutritive intake of essential fats was found. The receiving of PUFA dietary supplements is not popular among the Bulgarian mothers. Over half of the pregnant and nursing women are at risk of non-adequate intake of n-3 FA.

Keywords: n-3 fatty acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, nutritive intake, pregnancy and lactation,

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Please cite this article as: Hristova DN, Tsankova GS, Ermenlieva NM, Todorova TT. Nutritive intake of omega-3 fatty acids and maternity. J of IMAB. 2018 Apr-Jun;24(2):1985-1987. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2018242.1985

Corresponding AutorCorrespondence to: Darina Naydenova Hristova, Department of Preclinical and Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University – Varna; 3, Bregalniza Str., 9002 Varna, Bulgaria; E-mail: dary_nay@mail.bg,

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Received: 09 November 2017
Published online: 18 April 2018

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