head JofIMAB
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: 2017, vol. 23, issue 4
Subject Area: Dental Medicine
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2017234.1854
Published online: 21 December 2017

Review article

J of IMAB 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4):1854-1858
Stoyan Yankov1ORCID logo Corresponding Autoremail, Bozhana Chuchulska1ORCID logo, Diyan Slavchev1ORCID logo, Ilian Hristov1ORCID logo, Rangel Todorov2ORCID logo,
1) Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Plovdiv, Bulgaria
2) Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University - Sofia, Bulgaria.

Gingival displacement is performed to create sufficient space between the finishing line and the gingival tissue, to allow the injection of the adequate bulk of the impression material into the expanded crevice. Control of moisture in the sulcus is also necessary. The variety of methods for tissue management can be broadly classified into surgical and non-surgical. Objective: To analyse the properties of tissue displacement methods, described in the literature for the last 4 years and display the prefered choices of the practitioners.
Material and method: A time range from the last 4 years was set. Using the keywords “retraction cord” and “survey,” we found 64 from 115 articles in total, relevant to our topic. Patents, citations and books weren’t included in this review. Results from the overview of the properties of the different tissue management methods indicate that retraction cords take a significant place among them and can be recognised as a classical and well known method.
Conclusions: The studies from the articles show adequate sulcal width right after retraction with most methods, sufficient haemostasis can also be obtained. Every each method, however, is accompanied by several drawbacks. Concidering all the quallities of the different tissue dispalcent methods, there is no specific evidence to promote the use of a single technique over any other. The selection of the method for gingival retraction primarily depends on each clinical case. However, the retraction cord technique remains to be the prefered method for gingival management due to its many advantages.

Keywords: retraction cord, survey, gingival displacement,

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Please cite this article in PubMed Style or AMA (American Medical Association) Style:
Yankov S, Chuchulska B, Slavchev D, Hristov I, Todorov R. The place of retraction cords among the tissue displacement methods. J of IMAB. 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4):1854-1858.
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2017234.1854

Corresponding AutorCorrespondence to: Dr Stoyan Yankov, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine – Plovdiv; 15A, Vasil Aprilov str., Plovdiv, Bulgaria; E-mail: yankov.dent@gmail.com

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Received: 03 August 2017
Published online: 21 December 2017

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