head JofIMAB
Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski Publishing
ISSN: 1312-773X (Online)
Issue: 2017, vol. 23, issue 4
Subject Area: Dental Medicine
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2017234.1721
Published online: 26 October 2017

Original article

J of IMAB 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4):1721-1725
Ilian Hristov ORCID logo Corresponding Autoremail, Diyan Slavchev ORCID logo, Dobromira Shopova ORCID logo, Lyubomir Grozev ORCID logo, Bozhana Chuchulska ORCID logo,
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University – Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Purpose:  The aim of this study is to analyse the dentists, awareness of the soft relining materials – their behaviour, advantages and disadvantages.
Materials and methods: A direct survey method was applied, as well as a documentary method of gathering statistical information. For the purpose of this investigation, a standard questionnaire has been presented, consisting of seven questions each.
Results: The age group have no influence on the frequency of use of soft relining materials in practice. According to 49.57% of the interviewed dentists, the most frequently observed disadvantage is the hardening of these materials in a very short notice. Staining from food and beverage and frequently noticed bond failure from the denture basis were also observed, 18,26% consider discoloration from disinfectants a problem as well. The majority of the interviewed (56,52%) have been answered, that their patients are pleased from the applied SRM. 70,43% have been answered that SRM matches the denture basis and the rest 29,57% have been pointed out that these materials are not very aesthetic.
Discussion: Although the majority of the dentists declare, that they are aware of the properties of the soft relining materials, they are a little bit scepticalbout their use in practice. On the other hand, the patients are satisfied and find them very useful and beneficial.
Conclusion: It can be concluded, thathe majority of the dentists are very well acquainted with the soft relining materials, their purpose and way of application.

Keywords: soft relining materials, survey, inquiry method,

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Please cite this article in PubMed Style or AMA (American Medical Association) Style:
Hristov I, Slavchev D, Shopova D, Grozev L, Chuchulska B. Application of soft relining materials by dentists – a pilot study. J of IMAB. 2017 Oct-Dec;23(4):1721-1725. DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2017234.1721

Corresponding AutorCorrespondence to: Ilian Hristov, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry, FDM, Medical University – Plovdiv; 3, Hristo Botev blvd., Plovdiv, Bulgaria; E-mail: ilian.hristov@mail.bg

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Received: 14 May 2017
Published online: 26 October 2017

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