Journal of IMAB - Annual Proceeding (Scientific Papers)
Publisher: Peytchinski, Gospodin Iliev
ISSN: 1312 773X (Online)
Issue: 2012, vol. 18, book 3;
Subject Collection: Medicine
Page: 287-289
DOI: 10.5272/jimab.2012183.287
Published online: 28 September 2012
J of IMAB. 2012; 18(3):287-289
Mariana Arnaoudova,
Department of psychiatry, Medical University-Varna, Bulgaria; Third psychiatric Clinic, University hospital “St. Marina”- Varna, Bulgaria.
Behavioral disorders in dementia are troublesome and impact the family, caregivers, nursing or hospital staff. A number of strategies have been developed to reduce that burden.
The assessment of demented patients is complicated by the fact that patients are usually unable to express reasons for their feelings and behavior. It is important the type and frequency of behavioral symptoms to be assessed and described and, if possible, the underlying basis of the target symptom to be determined.
In our paper we discuss the most burdensome behavioral symptoms in vascular dementia and on the basis of our knowledge and clinical experience we propose different treatment solutions- pharmacological or non pharmacological. We point out that non- pharmacological solutions are usually applied to milder behavior problems, while others-without environmental triggers, that are severely distressing for caregivers, may require additional pharmacotherapy.
The optimal therapeutic results require knowledge, training and experience with such a group of demented patients.
Key words: behavioral symptoms, vascular dementia, assessment, management.
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J of IMAB. 2012; 18(3):287-289. doi: 10.5272/jimab.2012183.287
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Accepted for publication: 04 June 2012
Issue published online: 28 September 2012
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